Making Homemade Pie Crust

I’m an avid baker, and usually eager to try new things. It was years however before I attempted to make my own homemade pie crust. It always seemed so intimidating. I figured why go through all the hassle when I could buy them pre-made and just add filling! So that’s what I did. Until one day when my mom requested an apple pie and I had everything handy EXCEPT the crust. I contemplated running to the store to buy some but stopped myself. Could I truly call myself a baker without ever having made my own pie crusts? I think not. So I put myself to right to work! I’ve created what I believe to be a super easy, yummy, and healthy recipe for a homemade pie crust.

This was used with my favorite apple pie recipe, which you can find HERE! I loved the outcome, especially with the mix of whole wheat and all-purpose flour. I love for my food to have texture and an earthier feel and I think the whole wheat definitely achieved that! If you don’t have whole wheat flour, or don’t prefer it, then feel free to skip over that part. The same goes for my butter substitute, but I recommend at least trying to give the healthy alternative a try!





Easy to make by hand

I created this recipe to be made by hand but if you’d prefer to use a mixer or processor, then please do!  As always you can tweak the recipe as you see fit to best suit your needs. Hope you enjoy!

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Homemade Pie Crust, Quick & Easy Recipe Yum
A simple recipe for a quick and easy pie crust you can whip up at home. No elaborate equipment required!
Apple Pie
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Pie Crust
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Pie Crust
Apple Pie
  1. In a large bowl combine flour and sugar
  2. Cut butter into small, fine pieces
  3. Add cut butter crumbles and water into the dry mixture. Use hands to mix until dough forms
  4. Flour a cutting board or clean surface, then roll out dough to desired thickness
  5. Cover dough with plastic wrap then chill, or freeze, until needed
Recipe Notes

I used my dough to make a yummy apple pie, find that recipe HERE! I made a nice lattice crust top as well. If you need 2 pie crusts, as I did for my apple pie, then just double the recipe.

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